Exam Term

I’ve been back at university for about 2 days now and already it feels as if I’ve been back for ages. The day I got back my housemate managed to persuade me to go scooting wearing weird hats within about 2 hours of getting home. It didn’t take much persuasion I must say since I’m always up for doing random things like that. Revision started the next day, however it was interrupted by necessary yet time wasting activities. Not content with a quick break my housemates and I ended up having an hour tea break, an hour for lunch and finally caught up on Made in Chelsea. Obviously revision was occurring around these breaks. Later on I went to play tennis since the sun had come out; there was just one problem though. All the courts were in use so we resorted to using a court with a bumpy surface and moss growing everywhere. Also, there was another problem- the court didn’t have a net (a rather vital part of a tennis court believe it or not). However, we played for an hour and a half just imagining there was a net and it was great fun in the end although definitely the strangest game of tennis I’ve ever played. Yesterday evening we went and chilled with some friends at their house and played darts, pool and cards and generally just had a nice chilled time. Unfortunately, as fun as it has been I need to stop wasting my time and start doing some serious revision since my exams start next week…

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